July 2020


Team Building: K1 Speed Go-Kart Racing

At Transatlantic we like to keep spirits high with our team, even during these chaotic times in the world. Team building is a huge way to relieve stress together, so yesterday we hit the track at K1 Speed in Addison, IL for some friendly competition. Of course Peter won, but we all got to let loose on the track, and

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PORT of Montreal – 72-Hour Strike to begin on July 27th

Dear clients and partners,   We want to inform you that the Maritime Employers Association has received a strike notice effective Monday, July 27 at 7:00 a.m. until Friday, July 31 at 6:59 a.m. there will be a suspension of mooring services usually provided by longshoremen and cargo handling services at Port of Montreal terminals during this four-day period.  

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Fresh Tariff Threat Could Put Pressure On Westbound Trans-Atlantic

The latest round of potential tariffs on EU imports to the United States could be as high as 100 percent imports. A rush to get European imports into the United States before a potential wave of tariffs is imposed in August could further tighten westbound trans-Atlantic capacity in the coming weeks, increasing the risk of rolled cargo. There was front-loading

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